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Meet Your Goals in
by Alicia Kamin
It’s that time of year. You started your New Year’s resolutions weeks ago, jumped in full of vim and vigor, but now you’re struggling. You may have given up completely and now feel disappointed in yourself.
You’re not the only one. Forbes magazine sited research stating only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.
What would it take for more of us to achieve what we set out to do? I believe its consistency. Consistent actions toward your goals will help you achieve greater success. But how can you remain consistent, when “stuff” seems to get in the way, when you don’t feel like it, or when you are distracted by a shiny object?
Understand Why You Set This Goal
The first key to insuring consistent action toward your goal is to understand why you set this goal for yourself. If losing weight was your primary resolution this year, ask yourself what achieving that goal will give you. Will you feel happier? Will it help you get closer to finding the love of your life by giving you more self-confidence?
Dig a little deeper under the goal’s surface to discover your real motivation. And then write it down. Remind yourself regularly of that motivation by reading it a couple times a day. Then, feel what it will feel like in your body to already have met your goal. Does your body relax? Do you feel happier even now? Regularly anchoring yourself in that feeling state will allow you to easily move closer to your goal.
Have a Plan B
Another key to consistency is having a Plan B. Life is full of twists and turns that we don’t always see coming, but we know one is likely to be around the corner. What will you do when the babysitter calls in sick and you can’t get to the gym? What about when your boss calls an immediate lunch meeting and you can’t leave to get the food on your plan?
Thinking about possible solutions before you need them
can set you up for great success. Have an exercise DVD on hand that you can play at home when you can’t get to the gym. Keep a stash of nuts, dried chickpeas, dehydrated fruit and other healthy snacks in your car to cover those food emergencies that inevitably occur, so you won’t be driven
by hunger to eat outside your diet plan, (e.g. eat a fast food burger).
Having a Plan B to fall back on will allow you to keep your commitment to yourself, and subsequently, you’ll feel like a great success. When you feel like a success, you’re much more likely to BE successful.
Carefully Choose the Words You Tell Yourself
What you tell your mind directly impacts your success. If you tell yourself such things as “I have to do this and I hate it”, “I don’t want to do this”, “This is killing me”, then your mind will believe you.
Your mind doesn’t want you to do things that you hate and that are killing you, so it will attempt to move you toward more pleasurable experiences. If moving you toward pleasure means not taking action on the very goals you set for yourself, then your mind will help you NOT take action. It will feel much more difficult for you to do what you set out to do.
Alternatively, you can tell your mind that you are choosing to do this now. You can say things like “I choose to wake
up early and work out. I want to do this”. Or “I choose to eat this salad, and I love doing it because it helps my body.” Those types of internal messages will contribute to an easier physical experience and help you feel more like doing what you intend to do. You will greatly increase your chance of success when you tell your mind that you have chosen to do this, and you WANT to do it.
Applying these 3 principles will help you maintain your consistency and stick to your New Year’s resolutions. For more great consistency tips, you can download my complimentary report “The 9 Simple Steps to Help You Maintain Consistency and Attain Your Health Goals!” at Authentic Health.
Through her transformational coaching, Alicia Kamin helps those struggling with food addiction, compulsive overeating, and significant weight gain to overcome those challenges so they can lose weight and finally feel free. What many people don’t know about her is she also loves to dance West Coast swing, travel to tropical beaches, and speak French. To request a private consultation,
go to March/April 2016

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