Page 3 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Sept/Oct 2016
P. 3

The Wave
Letter From The Editor
I have recently learned, (again!), that words have power. Wishes from the heart, spoken to the Divine, have a trans- formative power like non other. If you are truly ready to make a shift, speak from your heart. Then buckle you seatbelt! The “ride” is wild, but oh so worth it.
My recent experience with the personal power of speaking from the heart was truly extraordinary. I have been blessed to come to know a powerful Medicine Woman, Doctor of Indigenous Medicine Phyllis Bala, who has been urging me to participate in her Medicine Wheel Program. As is my usual habit, I said, “That is a great idea. I’ll do that some day.”
The Divine, knowing me well, and knowing that I needed the blessings of Medicine Wheel program, brought circumstances into my life that led me to the place of needing to make a shift or “go under”. Phyllis asked, “Are you ready, now, to do the work you need to do?” I said, “Yes”. I was to learn, (again), when you say “Yes” to the Universe, the miraculous happens.
I spent the next nine Sundays with Phyllis, six other remarkable souls who agreed to join together for this work, and all our ancestors, angels, and guides, learning to connect with them, and to open our hearts to who we are, through the power of Mother Earth. It was a sacred experience, and not at all what I had expected. But then, trans-formative experiences rarely are what we expect, eh?
I grew up in the Calistoga hills, (Phyllis calls them the Mayacamas). Sadness, self-loathing, and hopelessness
were common emotions for most of my childhood. When these emotions would overwhelm me, I would walk out into the woods and lie down on the ground and look up into the pines and the Redwoods on our property. I felt as though they spoke to me, as the wind whispered through their towering boughs, telling me it would be all right, to be patient, that this time will pass and my life would feel worth living again. The messages I heard from these wise, calm beings saved me from ending my life.
As the years passed, my life indeed evolved to be worlds better than I had ever imagined it could. But my older
self often wondered if my younger self was just imagining that the trees talked to me; that, so long ago, Mother Earth embraced that wretched little soul in her loving arms.
Through the Medicine Wheel Program, I have learned
that, indeed, what I knew
instinctively as a child is oh
so very true. And I have been
blessed with the opportunity
to return to the embrace of
Mother Earth, to commune with
the spirits of my ancestors, to
speak again with the wise and
beautiful trees, and to open my heart to who I am, a much transformed being from that sad, despairing little girl.
So what I would say to you, my precious readers, is that if you are in despair, do not lose hope. It may seem dark now, but the dark night of the soul does pass, and afterward is
the bright light of self-discovery, self love, and the blessings of the evolution of your soul. Speak from your heart,
and release any fear of change and growth. You are in the embrace of the Divine, always safe, always cared for, even when you don’t think you are. When the call comes to make the shift, say “Yes”, buckle your seatbelt, and be ready for miracles!
Stacey Leigh Mohr Editor, Publisher
Community Education
& Resource Center
Phyllis Bala
Doctor of Indigenous Medicine
Medical Intuitive Medicine Wheel Programs
PO Box 313 Occidental, CA 95465
Office and Center: 3692 Bohemian Hwy. Unit 2
Occidental, CA
707 874-9116
Connecting Nature to Health & Spirit
Sept/Oct 2016

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