Page 6 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Sept/Oct 2016
P. 6

Most people understand the work of psychics
and psychic phenomenon. The relatively new modality of Sound Healing is especially well known in the Bay Area. So, what is “Psychic Sound Healing?”
Psychic Sound Healing is a specific and extremely effective modality that I have developed through years of study and the wise guidance of psychic masters. I intuitively combine my voice with the music of crystal bowls, bells and rattles to bring healing vibrations to the cells of my clients’ bodies, as I call in their Guides, Angels, and the Masters to bring spiritual healing.
I studied sound healing at California Institute
of Integral Studies in San Francisco in the mid- 90’s with Jill Purce, a British practitioner who traveled the world extensively to learn different musical healing techniques. She is known as the “Grandmother of Sound Healing” because many see her as the first person dedicated to teaching the concept of using music to heal. Jill states, “If you liberate the voice, you liberate the human being.”
The throat chakra/Da’at sephirah (in Kabbalah) is the energy center for deep mystical expression of the heart & soul. The integration of lower & upper sephirot and chakras allows wholeness to radiate throughout Body, Mind, Heart and Soul when we fully and consciously communicate. Singing Our Truth is integral to our health, wellbeing and good balance in daily life.
Many of us learned when we were children to suppress our authentic voice; through parental and societal pressures to “be quiet”. Emotional and/or physical abuse, and other childhood experiences, have led many of us to squelch our inner truth, causing much emotional pain. As
Psychic Sound Healing
by Michele Newman
adults, our bodies begin sending us physical messages that our hearts and souls are crying out for release from this pain. We then begin our healing journey through a variety of modalities.
Easy, natural singing, without judgment, (i.e., not performing), is a powerful, organic healing tool. Indigenous tribes use this tool to heal individuals and groups through their rituals of group chanting and singing. “Modern” society has separated from this truth, aiming inner desires at performers instead.
As a wounded healer, I had my own deep healing when I was introduced to crystal singing bowls. My new career was sealed! I discovered that if one is depressed, low energy or very sick, the vibrational frequency of one’s auric energy field, blood, cells, skeletal structure, muscles, etc., is lower.
Sound waves are measured in hertz (hz). Science can measure the resonance of hz in the human body. In my private sessions, I place the very high frequency alchemical crystal bowls right on my client’s body where he/she feels emotional or physical pain. The crystal bowls align vibration with the body, raising the vibrational frequency, causing the client’s body-heart-mind-spirit to resonate at a higher measurement of hz. Clients have told me that they often feel the raised vibration in their energy field and body for up to a week after their session. Dis-ease starts to dissipate as the client feels the reverberation of personal inner harmony.
Oncologist Dr. Mitchell Gaynor proved that when the human voice sings and the crystal bowls are played, cancer cells disorganize and destabilize to the point that they’re incapable of reproducing. There is a vast body of scientific proof that

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