Page 3 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Nov Dec 2015
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The Wave
Letter From The Editor
Welcome to our First Anniversary Issue of The Wave
One year ago this month we published our very first issue. From the very beginning, The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal has been deeply engaged in the work of healing our planet through building our community, strengthening our connections, and supporting the work of our local gifted healers, metaphysicians, organic and local farmers, crafters of natural products, Light and Spirit Workers, and all who wish to bring peace and healing to our world.
It has been a challenging year for all of us, personally and globally. Astrologers have told us these last 18 months have seen some very difficult planetary alignments that have brought disruption and anxiety, showing us what destructive forces fear and terror can be.
Many events in 2015 were shocking. We shared in the grief of those closely involved in those events. A dear friend of mine, Aimée Lyndon-Johnson, wrote in her company newsletter the following wise words that I have found very helpful in wending my way through many emotions flowing from the challenging global events of 2015, and in preparing myself for what wondrous and challenging adventures are in store for 2016. I share these words with you, holding in consciousness that spreading these words of wisdom will help to heal our planet and bring us closer to inner and outer peace.
Aimée writes:
“Those of us on a spiritual path want to know how to be a part of
the solution [to our troubled world] not part of the problem. It’s unrealistic to believe that we can be untouched by terrorist attacks, tsunamis and other disasters, or the casualties of war. We are human beings and our bodies respond to energy coming at us in all forms.
The first thing we can do is to feel our feelings, to allow our natural response: shiver and shake, rage and cry. We all feel terror at one time or another. We can either be proactive in moving it or reactive when terror strikes. Holding on to this terror by indulging it keeps you in low frequency and then you have merged with the problem. The goal is to release these feelings safely: harm to none (including yourself).
When you have released your feelings, fill back up with high frequency energy from the Earth and from Source. Keep your frequency high; don’t allow yourself to be distracted off your path by low frequency invitations (like gossip, drama, whining and complaining).
Focus on what you do want, not on what you don’t want. For many of us, this means envisioning our world at peace, respect for all life, sharing the wealth.
Commit to a path of non-violence in your own life by discovering your own inner terrorist who terrorizes you with negative, fear-based thoughts, and terrorizes others by demanding that they live up to your expectations of them.”
To elaborate on this last point, I will say that refraining from terrorizing others, through speech or action, is much more challenging then one might first think. Upon close examination, you may find your speech not as non-violent or your interactions
with others not at non-violent as
you might imagine. “ Nonviolent
Communication: A Language of
Life, 3rd Edition: Life-Changing
Tools for Healthy Relationships”
by Marshall B. Rosenberg and
Deepak Chopra is the classic work
on examining and remedying non-
violent communication. “Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High is a book, recommended to me by my brother, which I have found very helpful in bringing more peace to my life and to my interaction with others. Both books help us closely examine our interactions with others, realize where we may be unconsciously terrorizing others through our speech or actions, provides us with alternative ways of dealing with our fellow human beings, and offers strategies for implementing change.
As we embark on our second year of publication, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the holistic and metaphysical communities of the SF North Bay, and we are thrilled with the warm reception
we have received. We are very mindful, as the new year is upon us, of our responsibility and commitment to be a source of connection, nurturing and growth for this vital community that is working so hard to heal our world.
In service of this mission, we invite healers from the North Bay and San Francisco to share their wisdom and knowledge in the pages
of The Wave. You have grown, gained, and experience much. If you are ready to share your gifts with a wider audience, we encourage you to write and submit articles for publication in The Wave, (the only locally distributed magazine that dedicated to the local holistic and metaphysical community). Go to for article submission guidelines.
We wish to invite all our readers to participate in creating and growing the connecting forces of The Wave, to heal our selves and our world. Please send us feedback and comments about what you read in The Wave. Starting with the March/April issue, we will feature
a “readers’ comments” section, to share readers’ wisdom, and their responses to content in The Wave. Your input will help to shape
and grow The Wave in ways that will best serve you and all our local healing community.
Please email all written submission to WeHearYou@WOCToHeal. com or Or mail them to Waves of Change, 115 Liberty St. #4, Petaluma, CA 94952.
To further help us to continue our mission of connecting, growing and nurturing our local healing community, and to expand our reach, we are looking for Angel Investors. If you are one, or know of one, please give us a call or drop us an email. We can be reached at 707-474-2508 M-F 10 am to 5 pm.
Let There Be Peace On Earth, and Let It Begin With Us!
Jan/Feb 2016
Stacey Leigh Mohr Editor, Publisher

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