Page 17 - Sept Oct 2015 flipbook
P. 17

The blue wave you see running through this graphc is a “clean wave”, with no spikes or variability. That is what the electricity running through your home should look like. Scientific studies indicate that pulsed electromagnetic waves—which includes dirty electricity and the radiofrequency waves emitted by Smart Meters—are especially deleterious to our health.
This dirty electricity travels through your home wiring, radiating out into the whole house. You are surrounded by it above in your ceiling; below, if you have a basement; and on all sides. You are constantly being hit with millisecond blasts of dirty electricity 24/7.
Electromagnetic fields of all kinds (radiofrequency/microwave, dirty electricity) knock calcium ions off the cell membrane. Besides creating the ionic bond that keeps a cell membrane strong, calcium acts as a neurotransmitter. When calcium
ions are knocked out of place, your heart, your gut, your brain, your muscles, and your hormones can be adversely affected. In general, the first place that is harmed is the place where you have the least resistance. Over time, various other organ systems will also be harmed.
Martin Blank, Ph.D, of Columbia University, an initial hardcore skeptic about electrical poisoning, found in his research that both radio frequency and the pulsed electromagnetic fields from dirty electricity can break DNA bonds. This is a precursor to cancer.
Smart Meters transmit very specific data about your electricity, water, and gas usage, minute by minute. These signals contain information about what types of appliances you use and when you use them. Your refridgerator emits a different electrical signal then your toaster. Smart Meters transmit this detailed information to your utility company, via radio frequency waves, which can be hacked the same way your home wifi signal can be hacked.
However, unlike your Internet wifif signal, there are no encryption or other security measures built into your Smart Meter transmissions. So anyone can hack your Smart Meter signal and see your usage patterns. From these patterns, hackers can see when you are most often away from home, (i.e. when you leave for, and return from, work each day). This information can be used, of course, to plan a home robbery or other home invasion crime.
Imagine if this information were eventually to become a commodity and sold to, say, insurance companies who would
like to know more about their customers’ lifestyle and habits. Say you work a night shift and come home every night around 2 am. Insurance company risk tables indicate that people who return home at 2 am are likely “bar hoppers” and alcoholic, and therefore a greater insurance risk. After purchasing information about your electrical usage patterns, indicating you return home around 2 am most nights, they raise your rates. Now you have to prove to them that you work a night shift and petition to get your lower rate
restored. Not only is this a huge hassle, but it can cause inaccurate and misleading information to be recorded about you in places you may not discover for years, due to the current universal sharing of digital information, and the opaqueness of how, when and with whom that information is shared.
This is just a small example of what can happen when your home electrical usage is transmitted via unsecured wireless signal throughout the entire neighborhood and beyond. and collected and recorded by local governement agencies.
RF and EMF poisoning is cumulative. So the best strategy to protect yourself is to remove as much radio frequency and emf pollution from your environment as possible.
• Have your utility company replace all Smart Meters on your home with analog meters. In California, this is a simple process initiated online or with a phone call to your utility company. This also addresses the security issues.
• Change your home Internet wifi to an Ethernet cable.
• Do not purchase “Smart” appliances that use wifi.
• Do not wear “Smart” devices such as computer watches, or FitBits.
• Keep your Smart Phone away from your body at all times. (Put it on speaker when talking on it, rather then holding it up to your ear.)
• Employ devices that can shield you from Radio Frequency waves, such as those available at
• Shungite stones, and Black Tourmaline placed around your home and near your computer also work well.
• Speak up about electrical poisoning from “Smart” technology at every opportunity by contacting your local, state, and federal representatives.
For more information on how Smart Meters affect your health, how to have them removed from your home, and how to protest the Smart Meter program, go to: www.
This site has the best and clearest science-backed information and research about smart meters, and is a source of some of the information contained in this article.
I also refer you to the book “Overpowered”, by Martin Blank. This book describes his research into Smart Meters and Dirty Electricity.
To read the original declassified Army research report on using radio frequency waves as a weapon, and cited in this article, go to the Waves of Change website, (, and click on “Smart Meter Info” in the menu bar.
Sept/Oct 2015

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