Page 6 - March April 2015
P. 6

The Power of Two as One
Conscious Coupling as a Spiritual Journey By Amelia Belle
There are many ways to travel the journey of self-awareness and personal growth towards a joyful expression of life. To manifest the life we want to live, we can use the outer world as a map that shows us where to focus. Where our life on the outside is good, we have balance internally. Where there is
discord, chaos or out picturing that is less than our desire, there is inner work to do. The internal patterns appear as the reflection of our 3D life.
Nowhere is this more evident than in our relationships. While all relationships hold clues to our progress
in self-awareness, the intimacy of conscious coupling is a powerful place to start exploring what is truly up for review in terms of our life lessons. The action of two working together toward a relationship that brings out the divine in each other is both dynamic and powerful, and what conscious coupling IS, at its very best.
Conscious couples are couples that are using their relationship as a way to awaken themselves and each other. They want to understand each other’s unique nature and to work towards finding ways to see how their partnership can support their growth, both individually and as a unit. Seeing each other, reflecting back to each other, and growing through expanding consciousness is the work and joy of conscious coupling!
Couples are not always in the same place at the same time along their journey. It is common to find oneself at a different stage than one’s partner at some point during a committed relationship. This can cause discord and discomfort in the partnership. As people wake up - meaning they become aware of their connection
to everything and everyone around them - they may also awaken to the issues in the relationship. This is especially true when a couple has come together before either person has done much individual personal growth work. People that are consciously searching for meaning in all aspects of their life can find it frustrating to be in relationship with partners that are not searching. Those that are not searching can find it exhausting to be in relationship with a partner that, upon discovering their spiritual path, is always questioning.
Ironically, it is often the very pattern or trait that originally attracted us to our partner which later crops up as an issue. This is because that aspect connects to a belief or thought form that we hold about ourselves. For example:
Sue is attracted to John when they meet because he is reliable, steady and gives her the sense of security and safety for which she longs. Over time and through experience, Sue gains self confidence, becomes more self- assured, is successful in her work and feels more secure in herself. As this change gradually occurs, Sue is as

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