Page 5 - Sept Oct 2015 flipbook
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Some of the most popular sacred geometrical shapes are: Merkaba or Metatron’s Cube, Flower of Life, Seed of Life, and Fibonacci.
It is said that meditating on these geometrical shapes will incite a level of awareness and open up an individual’s consciousness to a new realm of understanding, living and enlightenment.
This activation of consciousness is setting the precedence for a revival of ancient and higher dimensional wisdom, ultimately resulting in an increase in vibration on the planet so that humanity can exist in harmony with one another and mother earth.
Sacred Geometry artwork is a representation of a mathematical connection to the cosmos. All Sacred Geometry artwork holds unique vibrations that raise the frequency of an individual, and the collective, presenting the opportunity to live a fulfilled and harmonious life.
We, at Sacred Geometry Shop, embed sacred geometry art, frequencies
and equations into all conventional products in order to raise the vibration of every aspect of an individual’s life. Our mission is to provide humanity
with sacred geometry awareness so that the information can
be utilized to uplift and empower; as well to as pioneer sacred geometrically based advanced technologies that will bring forth harmony and unity to our planet and universe.
Fibonacci Spiral
Seed of Life
Spiral Matrix
Niel Gaur is the owner of Sacred Geometry Shop (, where you can find art, clothing and jewelry embeded with sacred geometry, frequencies and equations designed to raise the vibration of every aspect of an individual’s life.
He has also created Portal to Ascension (
featuring worldwide events, both online and in person, exploring consciousness, self-empowerment, sound and vibration, ET disclosure, ancient civilizations, quantum mechanics, metaphysics, conscious living and spirituality.
Sept/Oct 2015

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