Page 15 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal March/April 2016
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for a wheelchair, picking up my mail, a shoulder to cry on again and again, plus so much more. Now when someone asks, “What can I help you with,” - I tell her. If she is able to help, she does. If she cannot, I ask the next person. For the help I have received, and continue to receive, I am deeply appreciative.
BIZ: In business we often think asking for help is a
sign of weakness or inadequacy. In truth, it is just
the opposite. No one can know everything. Just by being curious about another’s point of view, and asking someone to assist, creates collaboration. This is not a “going it alone” lifetime. We are meant to
ask for help!
Entrepreneurs love to share their knowledge and experience. This was evident at Developing Alliances: Professional Gathering for Extraordinary Women this past month, when we introduced a new networking process called, “Connecting The Dots.” There were those who came looking for something and those who came wanting to share something. Bingo! Participants said they were blown away by the quality of the assistance they received.
I do not have a dainty small cast. It goes
all the way up to the knee. I chose purple
to represent the healing energy of Saint
Germaine’s Violet Flame, to surround that
foot in high frequency healing energy. And yet, no matter how one looked at it, this was a huge bulky purple cast. When I was out, I received sad looks and comments of, “Oh I am so sorry” - not high frequency at all.
The solution was obvious. It was time to add ‘bling’ and decorate the cast. My creative friend, Cheri Olhiser, was up to the task as you can see in the picture!
Now, when anyone, including me, looks at my cast, they light up with enthusiasm and exclaim, “That is the most beautiful cast I have ever seen!” and that makes me happy, and happy energy is healing!
BIZ: If your work environment is not what you would like, change it. Move the furniture, remove your clutter, change the lighting, add inspirational quotes, bring in fresh flowers - the possibilities are endless.
Create an environment in which you love to be, and you will be more creative and maintain higher energy throughout your day. Looking at beauty strengthens your immune system!
I have had to let go and let life unfold before me. I continually reflect on the wonderful experiences I have had as a result of my broken foot; the outpouring of love and support and connections I would not have had if I were leading life as usual. Slowing down to
an absolute halt has given me the opportunity to reevaluate everything, and yes, I do mean everything! I made an intention at the beginning of this journey that I would come out of this stronger than when it began, and it is happening. Some of the changes have been in the back of mind for a while; no time like the present to
BIZ: We often get too rigid in our plans for future offerings, classes and programs. When you relax into what arrives, even if it appears to be an obstacle, you make room for the magic and miracles to happen. Remember where this article began? “Life is what happens when you have other plans” - allow your life to unfold.
I have discovered a new level of courage and determination, along with how to surrender
to what is. I have learned that I am loved and supported more than I could have imagined. I have learned that allowing others to support me brings them joy. I appreciate every moment, even when it is hard. I have learned
I have everything I need to make it through. What stands out the most are the smiles, hugs,
tender care, laughter and especially the LOVE that has been offered to me.
I invite you to open up to everything that is being offered in your life.
Love and Blessings,
Through their company, What Truly Matters, Karen and Aimee offer Business Mentoring and Strategic Business Rejuvenation.
They work with small groups and private clients.
If you would like to:
• Grow your business expertise without sacrificing your soul
• Expand your network with like-minded
• Experience the success and fulfillment of living a meaningful life
Go to to request a private consultation session.
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