Page 14 - Sept Oct 2015 flipbook
P. 14

Boost Your Health With An Autumn Cleanse
“Fall is a natural time of transition, which makes it an ideal time for a gentle detox cleanse that will reset your body and mind while priming you for a winter of wellness.”
As summer’s sun and fun gives way to shorter days and the slower pace of autumn, it’s a natural time to yield to a quieter rhythm. Just as we see the trees shed their leaves and many animals move toward hibernation, we too can use this time to slow down our busyness, take stock of our lives, let go of what no longer serves us, and support our health. By gently cleansing the physical, mental, and emotional toxins, we can greatly boost our energy and vitality in preparation for winter as well.
“In general, a cleanse is your opportunity to slow down, to quiet what’s coming into your body, and to both scour and activate your systems of detoxification and elimination. Ultimately, this results in the benefits you desire: clarity, energy, internal healing, and an external vibrance all due to some deep detoxification.”
Autumn can be a vulnerable time for our health as morning and evening temperatures plummet and the air becomes drier. It is the best time to support the lungs and large intestine, which are the major pathways of elimination and related to a healthy immune system. A fall detox will help stave off seasonal colds, keep your immune system healthy, and strengthen your digestion and cellular metabolism in order to create and maintain healthy tissue for the colder months ahead.
Since the body is calibrated with Mother Earth’s rhythms, the produce that is in season helps us align with the climate and naturally supports the organs of the body. The harvest season is the time to decrease our intake of cooling summer foods and start to increase more cooked and warming foods. Autumn offers a bounty of grounding and nourishing fruits and vegetables that are just what our bodies need for a gentle, soothing, and warming purification.
As we transition into autumn, I invite you to give your health a boost and join me for the Autumn Nutritional E-Cleanse Program and 23 days to a healthier you!
Happy, Healthy Autumn!
JoAnn Newton is a Master Massage Therapist and Holistic Nutrition Educator with
a private practice in Graton. She is passionate about helping people transform their health through “education, inspiration, recipes, and fun”, and facilitates the Nutritional E-Cleanse Program, a seasonal 23 day online program to detox the body and learn to eat for optimal health. For more info, visit

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