Page 7 - Sept Oct 2015 flipbook
P. 7

“The Energy Connection”
by Judy Franks, BA, MBA
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality we want and we cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein.
We are not our job, our title, our car, our body, our hair, our kids, our sex, our religion, the country we’re from, or where we live. Who we are is what we are at the heart of our being.
We live in an era of technological connectedness. Linkedin, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter all offer unique and different ways of building and nurturing your network, until the question of how big it is or how many followers you have becomes a way to measure success. Despite all these ways to “connect”, many people report feeling disconnected, isolated, depressed, or hopeless. Where do inspiration, belief, trust, creativity, and love figure into this way of connecting? The answer is that we are all people, working with people, in relationship with people - WE are the connection.
Angela Ahrendts, the head of Retail for Apple, gave a TED
talk on the power of human energy in which she called this energy your “emotional electricity”. She said this emotional electricity “unites people to do extraordinary things”. Using positive energy to remove barriers and unite people behind
a common cause creates confidence, self-esteem, self-value, happiness, and love. This is important in every part of our lives - business, family, and relationships. It inspires us to give and do more, and to be the best version of ourselves. Through the use of positive energy, we have the power to elevate our energy and the energy of the world in which we live.
Trust that you have the power within you!
You are hard wired for greatness! Manifesting the life and the world you desire requires a shift in your energy, an increase
in your consciousness, and a recognition at the core of your being that the time for change is NOW! Trust that you have the power to make that happen! Every thought, action, or decision contributes to your vibrational energy. Your personal frequency attracts or repels, energizes or diminishes your ability to create the life you envision. When you are vibrating at a higher level, wonderful things happen:
• You live longer and more consciously.
• You slow down the aging process.
• You access more of your brain, which increases capacity
and vitality.
• You increase your creativity, cognitive abilities, and the
ability to feel happiness and pleasure.
High vibrational energy is the key to eliminating stress, burnout, dysfunctional relationships, anxiety, ‘senior moments’, and diseases that are growing at exponential rates like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.
So how do you control your vibration? Thoughts, actions, the food you eat, the colors you wear, the music you listen to, the books you read, and your consciousness all contribute to your ability to magnify or contract your vibrational energy. You have the power to make choices every minute of every day that will transform your life in meaningful and sustainable ways.
“You cannot lower your mountain but you can elevate yourself.”
The Spinning Rabbi
But how do you kick it up, align, define, create, or transform the life you are living, and sustain it after you leave the class, return from the retreat, or finish the book, and are then faced with REAL LIFE? The answer resides in the understanding that as life goes on, you are afforded the opportunity to apply what you learned to make a difference in your life, your relationships, your business, your community, your world!
Here are some techniques to help you increase and maintain a higher energy vibration:
Energy Activating Techniques: E.A.T.
• Use a mirror when speaking to someone on the phone, and smile! They’ll hear it in your voice and respond with a similar feeling.
• Eliminate all words from your vocabulary that are negative or violent, e.g. ‘dead’ tired, ‘starving’, by substituting feeling words that are positive and peaceful, e.g. recharge, refuel.
• Be conscious of how you speak to yourself, which is a reflection of how you speak to others! Self-talk is a powerful tool. Speak about yourself and your activities with positive affirmations, encouragement, acknowledgement and recognition.
• Take Energy baths to balance yourself that emulate the
Nov/Dec 2015

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