Page 3 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Sept/Oct 2016
P. 3

The Wave
Letter From The Editor
As we come to the close of 2016, and prepare for 2017, many of us look back on this year and realize that we have experienced a lot of slow moving, sometime outright STUCK energy. I certainly have had smoother years than 2016!! However, as I assess this year, I look for what I wish to take with me into 2017, and what “baggage” I desire to leave behind.
It seemed this year so many of us were waiting for challenging energies to shift, to move on down the road, for heaven’s sake!! Seems like no matter what we did to actively shift that energy, it stubbornly refused to budge. As I choose to leave behind the frustration of waiting and waiting for energies to shift, I take with me into 2017 the practice of patience. I envision the Hanged Man in the Tarot, along with the Wheel of Fortune. The Hanged Man waits patiently, knowing the Wheel will turn again, taking the Seeker in a new direction.
We have all been blessed, of course, in many other ways besides being provided with the opportunity in challenging times to learn patience, trust, and faith. As I look back on this year, I realize I have, through a new job, been reminded of all those who have, throughout my life, reached out to influence me in positive ways, and the gifts I have received when I have done the same for those in need who have crossed my path.
In March of this year, I began working for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Bay. Because I had experienced the magic that flows from mentoring relationships, (for both mentor and mentee), I was excited about working to support the kind of one-to-one mentoring provided to youth in need in our community through BBBS.
I work in Admin, but I am blessed with the opportunity, almost daily, to see young children meet, for the first time, a caring adult mentor with whom they have been matched. The adult mentor is just as excited about meeting their new “Little”. At “Match Activities” I get to see the bond that has developed between the “Bigs” and their “Littles” and the profound difference this relationship has made in the lives of both of them!
My life has been touched, in a less structured and more informal way, by adults who paused in their busy lives to take the time to reach out to me and do their best to influence me for good. None of them was perfect, but one doesn’t need
to be to have a good influence on a young person. Love
and intention go a long way toward healing a broken heart,
or guiding a person away from trouble and toward better decisions. I am a profoundly better person for the influence of caring, (if not perfect), adults outside my family structure who stepped into my life in times of emotional need.
When I was a young adult, a
counselor told me he was working
one day a week in a prisoner
rehabilitation program at San
Quentin. Naïve young me asked
if he thought that the inmates
were learning from what he had
to offer. He said to me “Oh, no,
no, no! I am learning from THEM.” He was clear that THEY were the teachers and he had much to learn from them. So it is with most mentoring relationships: Mentors learn and gain as much, if not more, then those they mentor.
If you feel you need guidance and encouragement in your endeavors, ask the Universal Source to send you the mentor(s) you need. You will be surprised what help and support comes to you, often in unexpected packages!
If you feel you have love and encouragement to give to another in need, ask The Divine for guidance as to how best
to share your inner bounty. You can “mentor” informally, by asking that those who would benefit from a caring, listening ear might be sent your way. Or you can seek a more structured mentoring role by applying to a mentoring organization.
Big Brothers Big Sisters provides professional counselors to help match caring adults to children in need of a stable adult influence, and counseling support throughout the match relationship. To apply to be a Big Brother or Big Sister, go to and click on “Volunteer”.
Those who would like to support profound change in the lives of our future generation, but feel they are unable to be a mentor at this time, can choose to join a monthly giving program. Giving even a small amount each month to your favorite community-based mentoring program can help to make a profound difference in the life of a child in need of a caring adult influence.
However you choose to share your inner and outer
bounty to lift another up, the relationships and experiences engendered by your generosity of spirit will bless you and those touched by your gift in uncounted ways you may never have dreamed.
As you contemplate what valuable life lessons and gifts you have received this year to take with you into the New Year,
my husband, Marty, and I wish you all beautiful, evolutionary adventures in 2017.
Stacey Leigh Mohr Editor, Publisher
Nov/Dec 2016

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