Page 4 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Sept/Oct 2016
P. 4

Tuesday night is garbage night on my street. We take out the garbage, dump it into the county provided container and then roll it down to the curb to await
the arrival of the garbage truck, which noisily rumbles down the street early Wednesday morning. The garbage collector faithfully jumps out of his truck at every home, empties the contents of the cans into his truck, and hauls it away, leaving our streets and homes clear of trash for another week.
mornings, life flows
with greater ease as we
show up. We receive
the opportunity to
experience life as the
magical and miraculous ride it was meant to be.
Two powerful clearing tools that I regularly use
with clients and with myself are Energy Field Tapping, commonly called EFT, and tuning into the wisdom of
our nocturnal dreams. The alchemical combination of tapping and dreams sets the stage for off-the-charts quick release.
Let’s look briefly at each of these clearing tools. First, EFT (tapping) is a user-friendly modality that releases stuck energy in the meridians, (tiny energy channels that course up and down the physical body).
As mentioned earlier, every experience in our lives is energetically recorded in our physical bodies. When we have what we call a “negative reaction”, it is our nervous system making a lightning fast decision that something doesn’t feel good or doesn’t feel safe. Think of the meridians like a garden hose and how the flow of water is restricted when the hose is kinked. As we gently tap on the meridians with the intention of letting go of old worn out thoughts and stories, it is like unkinking the hose, allowing our energy to flow more freely. With tapping we can effectively release stuck energy that’s been hanging around all our lives.
The second clearing tool I turn to is nocturnal dreams. Dreams, remembered or not, operate a bit like the defrag program we run on our computers. Dreams go through the events of the day and give us a fresh take on what’s going on. Tuning into the wisdom of the dream is like looking into the magic mirror that never lies. Dreams always show up with the intention to support us in our evolution as spiritual beings. When we choose to befriend our dreams and become familiar with the poetic nature of dream image and language, we discover tremendous
by Jean Kathryn Carleson
Dream Alchemist
Every neighborhood in the world engages in a similar process, with its own unique system. In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, the collector moves his cart through
the narrow streets announcing his presence with a loud distinct clanging bell. People then appear at their window and simply toss their bags of garbage into the cart as he makes his way down the street.
I’ve never heard anyone question the importance
of removing physical garbage from our homes and streets. Everyone knows that this is simply a vital part
of life. What’s not as widely known or accepted is the critical role maintaining clear energetic pathways is to
our overall physical and emotional health. Every day, in every experience, we have emotional reactions to what’s going on around us. Sometimes we’re aware of how our nervous system is reacting, and sometimes we’re not. Whether we are consciously aware or not, our nervous system automatically categorizes, catalogs and stores every single interaction in every moment of our lives. That can leave lots of old reactive energy hanging around.
Maintaining clear energetic pathways in our emotional/spiritual/physical bodies is as important as clearing out the every day garbage that collects in trash cans in our homes.
When we choose to consistently use clearing tools
to identify that which no longer serves us, we can easily release the stuck energy and let it go. When our energy channels are as clear as the streets on my Wednesday
Time to Take Out the Garbage

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