Page 5 - The Wave Holistic and Metaphysical Journal Sept/Oct 2016
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insights for living our lives.
Dreams often bring up unresolved emotional content. This is where the alchemical combination of tapping and dreams comes in. When a dream brings up fear or anger or other unpleasant emotion, we can soothe the nervous system with tapping, which prepares the way to open to deeper messages the dream has come to share.
Curiously, we easily get the literal garbage out into the literal garbage cans without guilt or embarrassment or any kind of judgment. Taking the garbage out is simply a part of life. However, when it comes cleaning up our inner energy, judgment often creeps in. Thoughts may go something like this: ‘I shouldn’t have these
toxic emotions.’ ‘I can’t believe I’m still dealing with THAT!’ ‘I’m so ashamed about what I said.’ When we hang out in the world of judgment, the energy pathways stay cluttered and the flow is impeded. Conversely,
when we drop the judgment and choose simply to be responsible for cleaning out the energetic toxins, we get to experience the pleasure of unrestricted flowing energy.
How might living on this planet be different if everyone took as much responsibility for cleaning up their inner toxins as they do for getting their actual trash out to the curb? What if cleaning up our energy every day became as natural as brushing our teeth every morning? What I know for sure is this: With cleared out, cleaned out energy channels, we set the stage to have a lot more fun.
If you would like to look at how dreams and tapping can free up your energy system, send me an email at
Jean Kathryn Carlson is a Dream Alchemist, speaker and co- author of “Catch Your Star” and “On the Wings of Faith”. Her unique ability to navigate the land of dreams and intuitive use of tapping sets the stage for a powerful
and transformational experience. She is a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, certified DreamGroup Facilitator through the Marin Institute for Projective Dream Work, and an EFT Practitioner. 415-721-7300 559-259-8284 (cell)
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